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Community Participation Supports (CPS)

​Includes community-based, facility-based, and vocational training programs

Community Participation Supports (CPS) aims to support individuals with disabilities - not only to integrate within their communities, but to promote inclusion. Regardless of ability, everyone has a right to be active and accepted in their community.

to achieve this, HRC Focuses on:


We support individuals with developing social skills. This could be anything from how to express yourself to people you are familiar or unfamiliar with, appropriate boundaries, what to do when you’re feeling uncomfortable in a social setting, etc.



Though we understand  employment may not be the first priority for every individual  that participates in CPS, we do provide vocational support within this program as Pennsylvania is an "employment first" state. 


We support individuals with the development of career goals and professionalism, while supporting competitive employment. We also offer many volunteer opportunities within the community.


Daily Living Skills


We support individuals as they learn the skills necessary to live as independently as they can. These skills include cooking, housework, handling finances, hygiene, etc.

HRC Day Program

As an agency that works closely with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), we embrace their Everyday Lives: Values in Action standard.


1. We value what is important to people with disabilities and their families, who are striving for an everyday life.


2. People with disabilities have a right to an everyday life; a life that is no different than that of all other citizens.


 HRC has facilities that offer CPS Services in Wayne and Pike County with #2 locations in Honesdale and #1 in Hawley


Within these locations are different experiences – Prevocational Services or Day Program


Click below for more information on:

Prevocational Service


Click below for more information on our Day Program:

Adult Training Facilities

HRC Prevocational Services
HRC Day Program

There is a difference between integration and inclusion. It's important to know that difference if we want to create a more inclusive society.


At HRC, we believe inclusion is a universal human right. That each individual is afforded the same rights, accessibility and choices as everyone else in their community. 

Inclusion - Integration Graphic
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