Hawley, PA -- Human Resources Center, Inc. (HRC), has been one of the many nonprofit businesses that have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These impacts specifically had effects on the intellectually disabled population that HRC provides services for. The Human Resources Center offers various services such as vocational training, employment placement, and community participation in Pike County. The Pike County Commissioners have graciously awarded the Nonprofit Recovery Fund Grant to the Human Resources Center in the sum of $25,000. This substantial grant will ensure there is no disruption in supporting individuals served in Pike County facility. The funds will be used to purchase an emergency backup generator. The generator will guarantee the organization with emergency shelter in the event of natural disasters, provide temporary congregate care in the event of further COVID outbreaks, and the ability to continue to provide safe programming and environments during power outages. The Pike County Nonprofit Recovery Fund was established by the Pike County Commissioners to help nonprofits organizations mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic so that they can continue to address community needs. The agency would like to express gratitude to Pike County Commissioners, Matthew M Osterberg (Chairman), Ronald R Schmalzle (Vice Chairman), R. Anthony Waldron, (Commissioner).
“When we established the Nonprofit Recovery Fund Grants Program, we had committed to awarding $150,000 to local nonprofits. After reviewing applications and seeing how hard these organizations were hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, we knew that we needed to help support as many nonprofits as possible. We are pleased that we were ultimately able to help 23 local organizations with $429,812.69; and that Human Resources Center, Inc. will put its grant to good use to benefit individuals with disabilities,” said Pike County Commissioner Chairman Matthew Osterberg.
The Human Resources Center, Inc. (HRC) is a 501(3)c nonprofit agency established in 1973 dedicated to serving and supporting individuals with disabilities throughout NEPA in Wayne, Pike, Carbon, Monroe, Lackawanna, and Susquehanna counties. At the time of HRC’s inception, there were very few options for individuals and community acceptance was sparse. HRC’s visionary founders, a group of local professionals and parents, believed in a brighter and more inclusive future for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities – and so, The Human Resources Center was born. The mission of the agency “Through our diverse program offerings, we empower those we serve to make meaningful life choices, encourage self-advocacy, and promote independence while breaking down the barriers that hinder community inclusion.